Enterprise Architecture
Preklopite na operativno orodje za EA in pospešite poslovno preobrazbo.
Data Governance
Spremenite vaše podatke v strateško sredstvo.
Business Process Management
Optimizirajte in digitalizirajte vaše poslovne procese.
Governance, Risk and Compliance
Dvignine vašo operativno odpornost in zmanjšajte tveganja poslovanja.

Enterprise Architecture Tool

Future-proof your organization using a connected enterprise architecture approach that joins strategy, business, risk, data, and IT perspectives together on a single source of truth.

Business Process Management Tool

Provide Business Analysts and Process Owners with business process management (BPM) software that helps organizations understand how they operate and how to optimize and transform business processes for continuous improvements.
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Informacijski sistemi in svetovanje


MEGA Silver partner

Družba RESIS je partner in distributer platforme MEGA HOPEX, ki podjetjem omogoča poslovno transformacijo, pregleden arhitekturni načrt in obvladovanje tveganj.